Speak Your Mind The Right Way

Speak Your Mind The Right Way

Book by Terence Cain

Speak Your Mind The Right Way is a book about effective communication, public speaking and maintaining an executive presence.

A Thoughtful Approach Towards Public Speaking

The book discusses communication from top to bottom, connecting speaking with social dilemmas. It is ideal for aspiring public speakers, trainers and spokespersons who want to create an impact with their words.

Why Speak Your Mind

Speak Your Mind The Right Way aims to help people with diverse audiences master the art of communication in different settings and situations. Here is how the book can help you:

Effective Communication

Learn how to interact and exchange ideas in one on one conversations during specific situations.

Confidence and Negotiation

Build the authority in your personality that helps you reach win-win solutions without influencing with power.

Finding Destiny

Combine your choices with chances and leverage the opportunities to succeed in personal relationships and professional commitments.

Handling Criticism

Understand how to take feedback, filter what does not make sense and implement the needful.

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What They Say

Speak Your Mind offers an insightful and comprehensive guide on how you can stand out in every situation. Here is what our readers from around the world have to say about the book and the author.

About Terence Cain

Mr. Terence is a renowned speaker currently pursuing a Doctorate of Philosophy in Education. He was He has served as a US Army Officer, Supply Chain Manager and School Administrator. Throughout his diverse professional experiences, he has acquired key communication skills.

He believes that while some people are born speakers, others can develop the skills of effective speaking. As he was always interested in understanding how social interactions work, he is now on a mission to help readers master the art of speaking. He has run multiple corporate workshops on the subject of public speaking and put together the best-seller Speak Your Mind The Right Way

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